那五天我將會和資財部負責安排出貨的盧北北(真巧!我和盧北北真有緣~)同房同床同棉被~~ 囧
我想~~ 這真是個可以讓未來出貨順利難得的機會啊~~ 

As title, I'm a little bit frustrated lately, not because of stupid jerk at work, 
but due to something personal. It's about the anual tour of our company,  
5 days trip to BALI, which is the place I dreamed to visit for years!......

唉唉~ 打中文比較快啦~~ (不想繼續打英文的藉口)

最重要的是~ 公司開放可以讓員工帶一名眷屬~ 可以是親人朋友~大人小孩~
想都不用想~ 我當然是想帶阿菁去~ 可是問題來了~ 要過菁媽那一關~
過去的經驗告訴我~ it's very difficult and almost impossible!
但是我想說~ 我們也在一起快兩年了~ (真的好快唷~ 怎麼覺得好像才在一起
沒多久而已~) 而且我覺得自己也常往菁家跑~ 和阿菁的家人也都處的不錯~
(至少我自己是這麼認為啦~) 不管是菁爸菁媽~ 還是大哥大嫂二哥二嫂~ 我也
是該有禮貌的時候有禮貌~ 胡鬧的時候也一起胡鬧~ 也常參加菁家的活動~~
甚至~ 都已經有了想婚的念頭~ 只是~ 卡在菁覺得自己還年輕~ 而且她想等二
哥和好姐妹睏V有個開花結果~ 所以也沒那麼急~ 

在開口之前還是有那麼點忐忑~ 可是就覺得~ 也許應該禮貌的由自己提出~不

Finally, I got the chance to try this week, though I've
prepared for possible result, I'm still upset from the responses from her 
mom, "No way!" "I don't think it's good idea!" ..........

Maybe Ken is right, I should never try to do that face to face, because it is
a difficult situation to both of us,..... but I did, and failed.

Could somebody tell me what to do next? or that's it? I really want to bring
her to BALI with me, but how could I convince her parents? 

26th of Sept, here comes the final, the answer is still "NO"....
I need to go alone......FRUSTRATED!
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